Thanks for helping make Reece Plumbing Trek 2023 a huge success!
Thank you for helping make Reece Trek2Health Plumbing Trek a huge success with your participation and generous donations.
Current amount raised from this event is $23,513 and donations are still flowing in, expected total is around $26,000! Thank you to our Plumbing Industry Program Sponsor :Reece Group and program Ambassador: Damien Lacey and everyone involved.
You more than satisfied my expectations about the Queensland Plumbing community spirit and your attention to our on-trek instruction details were commendable, and of course your consistent good humour throughout the morning. Your own senses and commitment to the overall group safety and enjoyment were not unnoticed.
Your passions and knowledge and insights about this experience teaches all of us that without community spirit there is nothing left. How kind you all have been with how respectful and sensitive you were to our fund-raising needs, and I hope all of your family and friends who supported you were proud of your extraordinary effort in completing a tough trek like we did on the early hours on the 26th of March 2023, It is your generosity of spirit which will make our community adventure live forever in these great memories. Your generosity will see fellow colleagues enter our 6-week mental wellness challenge programs in early 2023.
Kind regards
Bruce Barker
CEO and Trek Director
Visit our website for more information about our Plumbing Industry Services.
Thank you from Trek2Health