Thank you for registering to walk for Trek2Health in Trek4Life Team Challenge 2023
The weather is looking great for our trek on Sunday; fine and sunny with some nice breezes to cool you down! Thank-you for your participation in this event and the generous fund-raising being achieved. Fund-raising will remain open for a few weeks after the event, in case you need to collect pledges.
Please read your participant handbook to make sure that you are fully prepared for the event. Click here to read the trek Handbook.
Registrations and entry bib collection open at 0600, Sunday 18th June, 2023 at the Trek House. Click here for parking info
Safety briefings will be given for each person/group prior to commencement of the first lap.
Last lap departure no later than: 1430.
Please wear proper footwear with tread, as there are a few steep up and down hills with loose terrain on the course.
Bring a small backpack with enough snacks and water for 2.0 hours laps.
There will be a halfway station with water station and flag collection point. Collect one flag (the ‘flag’ is a sticker) for each lap and add your flag/sticker to the board on your return, to acheive your team total goal of 100km.
Coffee cart and sausage sizzle available from 0600-1300. Fruit and snacks provided all day for trekkers.
Marquees will be set up at the Trek house for team gatherings.
Weather forecast Summary – Sunday 18 June – Brisbane area
Min 9
Max 24
Sunny. Chance of any rain: 0% The chance of morning fog in the west. Light winds.
Thank you for joining us, we really appreciate your support for our cause! if you have any questions please email us: or reply to this email.
-The Trek2Health Team