Jason has over 20 years’ experience in the sport and recreation industry and is a Director of sport and leisure consultancy, Otium Planning Group. Skilled in a wide range of sport and recreation planning disciplines including the preparation of aquatic and indoor facility strategies, he has project managed numerous studies in this specialist area for both local and state government governments. Previously Jason held senior roles with Sport and Recreation Queensland within the Queensland Government and is a former CEO of the State Hockey Centre.
With hands-on experience as a manager of sport and recreation facilities, including the commissioning of aquatic facilities and understanding of commercial elements, Jason applies his knowledge to great effect in aquatic and sports facility planning studies to help deliver sustainable outcomes. He has recently delivered a diverse range of studies including those related to regional planning, and for planning, tenure and management of sport and recreation, aquatic and leisure facilities and regional stadiums. He has presented at several industry conferences throughout Australia on facility planning and delivered numerous training programs in facility planning and management.
Jason has been a member of several Board’s and Committees for non-for-profit organisations and is a proud inaugural Director of Trek2Health.